
Whilst my first passion is creating excellent websites, I can also offer a range of services relating to websites, based over fifteen years of experience.

Web Design

I use industry-standard software to design cutting edge web sites that are specific to your needs. I design with accessibility and compatibility at the fore, wrapped in a genuine passion for usable web sites. I regularly use Photoshop, Illustrator in designing and developing web projects.

Adobe logos
Web logos

Web Development

In addition to the design of the site, I can also build it. From a simple web presence to a fully integrated custom content management system. I can use my experience in PHP development to create efficient code that integrates with custom-build MySQL databases. To make your technically excellent HTML5/CSS3 website really have the ‘wow’ factor I can add JavaScript, jQuery and a host of related libraries and frameworks. I have commercial experience of Vue.js.

If you would like a more active role in the content development of your website, then maybe WordPress is the direction to go. I can host, setup, configure and train you on how to use this class leading Content Management System.


In addition to designing and building websites, I can offer a consultation service on all web matters. Whether you are starting up a business or charity and want to know more about getting a presence online, or an established enterprise that needs to rethink its online strategy, I can help. I have experience working with organisations of all sizes, from sole traders to multinational companies. Maybe you have a problem, that no one else has been able to solve effectively? My problem solving and analytical thinking skills often highlight solutions that others miss.


I can offer training services either virtually using a range of video conferencing services. The training I offer is founded on nearly twenty years experience of both the web industry and teaching. I have a range of courses that I can deliver which can be customised to your specific requirements. I have a wealth of unique experience in developing training for a huge range of scenarios:

  • One-to-one to 30+ delegates
  • In person to virtual, multi-site
  • 20 minute bites to 40 week, in-depth learning

Additional Services

In addition to designing, building and supporting websites, I also have experience of developing content for SharePoint. I have completed several ground-breaking projects for large blue-chip companies accomplishing results that go beyond the ‘normal’ scope of SharePoint.

On top of all of the web-related skills, I am also a Microsoft Office Specialist Master Instructor who can offer a range of training programmes to the MS Office suite, from beginner level to expert.

Bigdogwebs responsive design

Is there something I can help you with?